Episode 3: Misinformation and the future of AI
Always Listening Podcast

Always Listening Podcast

Episode 3: Misinformation and the future of AI

The relationships we build with our voice AI Assistants has been observed with great interest from the scientific community. These little machines have names, we talk to them like humans and trust them to do tasks for us. At the same time there is an inherent limit to what they can do for us and we might have decided not to trust them in certain situations. There are times when for example they have shared false information.

In this episode we discuss how accidental misinformation, and purposeful disinformation can be shared via an AI assistant. We look at the psychology behind the relationships we build with our assistants and find out about the SAIS exhibition that examines this through soundscape and installation.

Subjects in this episode:

  • How can false information be spread on AI Assistant
  • The difference between misinformation and disinformation
  • The psychology behind our relationships with voice AI Assistants
  • The future of AI assistants according to industry experts, including Microsoft and Securys
  • The one of a kind exhibition about our relationship with AI, by the SAIS project and Cellule Studio.

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